A Very Happy ‘All Hallows Eve’ for those who enjoy celebrating, from Musicians Teach Music! Today we offer you a delightfully mischievous tune, sure to conjure up a scrunched-up smile as we imagine some of the rather surprising and unappetizing things that ‘Mama’ has in store for any finicky, cheeky, or sassy eaters!
After learning and singing along to the original song, “Chicken Lips,” another fun thing to do, is to notice the rhyme scheme in the lyrics, and see if you can come up with your own version of a rather surprising recipe! Does it need to be soup? Not necessarily!
Nancy Cassidy, the composer of this song, chose an interesting and fun pattern for the chorus.
“Chicken Lips, and Lizard Hips, and Alligator Eyes.
Monkey Legs, and Buzzards’ Eggs, and Salamander Thighs,
Rabbit Ears, and Camel Rears, and Tasty Toenail Pies…”
We will notice that the first two ingredients of every line, (ie. ‘Chicken Lips and Lizard Hips,’) rhyme with each other on the last word. So…I’ve taken the liberty of trying this out for myself!
Holley’s delightful dish will start out including…let’s see… how about…
Eye of Newt and Floppy Fruit! (There! That should work! – Well, now what?)
It looks like Nancy Cassidy chose a different, non-rhyming third ingredient, (ie: “Alligator Eyes!”)
OK! Well then… I’ll throw something different in there as well…hmm…how about…
Wet and Smelly Shoe! (Remember – we also want to stay a bit on the icky side of things…at least if that’s what we’re going for in this special kind of soup!)
So – What do we have so far?...
Eye of Newt and Floppy Fruit and a Wet and Smelly Shoe! (I like this so far! Let’s keep going…)
It seems the composer used the same type of plan for her additional lines, that being; the last words of ingredients 1 and 2 rhyme…and…did you notice?! The 3rd ingredient in each line, rhyme with one another, as well as with the word, “Surprise!” So It seems that if I want to keep a “smelly shoe” in my recipe, I should probably plan a delicacy that rhymes with shoe!....hmmm…how about…Stew?!
Holley’s Halloween Stew! That’s got a ring to it! OK – Let’s keep going! How’s this?
Eye of Newt, and Floppy Fruit and a Wet and Smelly Shoe!
Stinky Cheese, and Tiny Fleas, and Moldy Bread that’s Blue!
Pickled Snails, and Kangaroo Tails, and Sticky Elmer’s Glue,
Put them in a big old pot, and that’s Holley’s Halloween Stew!
OK…. Your turn! Have fun, and Happy Holley-Ween from Musicians Teach Music!
*Created for Classroom Teachers and Independent Learners by ‘Musicians Teach Music 2023*
(National Core Arts Standards 1-11.)